Comic Relief Does Fame Academy - Season 2 Episode 3
Chidule: Thursday 3rd March – 8.00pm BBC One The third live show came on screen with everyone set to sing once again knowing that millions at home were glued to the show and that sadly one would be leaving again later. First up was Nick – With a little help from my friends – Richard ""shouted"" ""mimicking Joe Cocker"" ""belting it out"" ""gravel voice"" ""That's okay"" Carrie ""voice is gravely"" ""disciplining himself"" Craig ""better than last couple of attempts"" Lesley ""tuning improved"" ""passion"" ""voice is window to soul, your soul is ok but you need to clean the windows"" Konnie – Kids from America – Lesley ""frustrating for teachers"" ""top notes are your best notes"" ""range needs serious work"" ""tuning aughful"" Craig ""crucified the song"" ""out of tune"" ""confidence was fantastic, way confident"" Richard ""How can somebody so lovely sing so badly?"" Konnie then says ""Today I was working on confidence, tomorrow if I get in I'll work on the tuning"" Richard ""depths of despair"" Edith – Natural Woman – Craig ""would hav